Friday, December 14, 2007

BR Over 100, Table Selection

I love donkeys. Sure, they suck out on me from time to time, but man, you stick around long enough and they try to unload sooo much of their money on you.

Table selection is something I now realize is a huuugely important skill. Knowing when to leave a table is pretty important too. The last couple days I've ripped up over 50$ of profit and sit at a somewhat decent 10NL BR of 10.5 buyins. I'll admit it, I just finished dabbling in 25NL after 10NL got me up to 85$ yesterday. I decided I'd play one buyin on one table and see what happened. Poker's about having fun, right? Haha... Well, long story short, I picked the perfect table and had aggro-donks everywhere raising their K-high backdoor flush into my A-high backdoor flush, or jamming their 2nd pair into my top set, and so on. Within 30 hands I was sitting on 60$ at that table.

But slowly but surely, the megadonks left, and I found myself sitting with 5 people all running 22/10/1. I packed it in pretty quick after that, after getting whittled to 51$ by playing hands I had no business being in.

This is something I didn't used to do. I loved sitting on a big stack, and it didn't matter who came to replace the donks, I would keep on playing. More often than not I'd leave with a little less than the original buyin I started with, other times I'd leave bust. I'm a stubborn motherfucker. I learned that a while ago.

So now I always look for tables with at least one person running with a vpip over 50, or even better, someone running 60/20/5. I'm surprised at how often I find these people now. And so far almost every one I've run into, I've taken at least half their buyin. There was the one exception from my last post where the 7s2s caught a spade on the turn after getting all in with my AA, but overall, these fishies are paying me off gooot.

I'll return to 10NL after my little bit of fun in 25NL. I actually have enough to take some variance now, which is bound to come around sooner or later. I'm making 22BB/100 hands right now, and that can't last.

Top 5 monies winners
#1: AQo
#2: AKs
#3: Q9s (BB special with an aggrodonk)
#4: AKo
#5: KK

Top 5 monies losers
#1: 84o (flopped straight, ran it into an aggrodonk with flush)
#2: AJs (got overzealous with TPTK vs set)
#3: A9s (tptk into QQ)
#4: AA (hahahaha...7 high flushes rock)
#5: J9o


AllanDuke said...

My table selection consists of making sure at least 3/4 of the table have more than one buy-in, that there are no shorties in the two spots on either side of me (dont like battling them for blind thievery).

Ken C said...

Yeah I go for tables where everyone has roughly a full buyin. Tables full of shorties suck. Good call.