Thursday, September 20, 2007

Funny Coincidence

For those of you who read this blog closely (if anyone fits that category), you'll remember a few posts back I made a comment about "Dismantling my shitty Sony laptop into tiny pieces."

Well, the above mentioned device stopped working a couple weeks back, so I replaced it with a Toshiba and sent the Sony off to be fixed. A couple days ago I got a phone call informing me that the cause of the malfunction was a liquid spill (which happened well over a year ago - unless my ladyfriend did it and didnt tell me). Of course, this means my warranty doesn't cover the repair and it would cost me 1200$ to fix it.


So yeah, this weekend I get to go pick it up, and you better believe you know what I'll be doing with it, as it won't boot at all, so it's an oversized paperweight for me now. I'm gonna have to go buy a sledgehammer. *claps hands giddily*

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